Awards Gallery
Townsville Art Society - Awards Gallery > Opening Night 2012
Jubilee Celebration Cake
Emily Hill with Major Jenny hill
Barbara Pierce with Hugh Barlow (RSL representative)
Sally Grattidge with Major Jenny Hill
Luara Castell with Representative from Ray White Helen Munro Real Estate
Luara Castell with Major Jenny Hill
Carole Howlett with Avril Plath (Xstrata representative)
Lyn Mott with Barry Holden (Port of Townsville representative)
Margaret Crawford with Avril Plath (Xstrata representative)
Barbara Pierce with Avril Plath (Xstrata representative)
Margaret Crawford with Richard and Jenny Lane
Townsville Art Society Inc Exhibition area PercTucker Regional Gallery
Elvena Bycroft with Tom Murkin (Classic Painting)
Tony Fitzsimmons with Mayor Jenny Hill
Margaret Crawford with Jenny Hill
Sylvia Hewitt with Major Jenny Hill
Alan Kelly with Marie Willis (Evolution Mining representative)
Lucky door prize winner with Judge Philip Davey
Luara Castell
Laura Castell
Emily Hill
Emily Hill
Richard and Jenny Lane
from left Carole Gollner, Sally Grattidge, Lyn Mott, Emily Hill, Helen Caldwell
Sally Grattidge
Tony Fitzsimmons
Lyn Mott
Margaret Crawford
Margaret Crawford
Margaret Crawford
Elvena Bycroft
Alan Kelly
Sylvia Hewitt
Ken Easton with Elise Edler (President)
Barbara Pierce
Barbara Pierce
Ken Easton
Elise Edler (President) and Barbara Elsworthy (Secretary and Awards Co-Ordinator)
President's Speech
Welcome Speech, Perc Tucker Regional Gallery
During opening Speeches
Opening Speech Major Jenny Hill
Judge's Speech, Philip Davey